Friday, December 5, 2008

Malaysia Trip

As most of you know, three of us are going to Malaysia for a couple weeks at the end of December. I'll post updates and pics on here to keep you up to date on how everything is going while we are there. If the is video, I'll post it too but I may have red-tape to deal with if I try and do that. I'll try and be very annoying and take tons of pictures so you can see all the training and all the people we'll meet. You can sign up to "follow" this blog and I think it will email you immediately when something new is posted. 


Some people had asked me about Gayong videos. There are some on YouTube and goole Video. 

I like google video, you can narrow the search easily. A short cut for finding Gayong Videos is to type in "Gayong" in the search field. If you just type in "Silat" you'll get a ton of different Silat videos, not just Gayong. 

Another tip for searching is typing in "PUSAKA" or "PSSGM" in the search field. These are two Gayong groups in Malaysia. Some videos are abbreviated and hard to find. Typing those group names can get you some good video hits. 


There's a website called 

It's a social networking site for Silat people. Cikgu Sulaiman Lee from Gayong UK started the Silat Seni Gayong International group on there. You have to join to view the pages, but there are pics, and video and good Silat Networking there. Check it out. 

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Testing 12/6

I forgot:
Tentatively testing on Sat.:
Roehl- green
Justin- white
Chris- white

You'll have a special surprise to go along with your test. Don't get nervous. It won't hurt too bad :)

Class 12/6/08

Class regular time on Saturday- 8am

Class on the 13th is the last class for the semester. 

Don't forget to register for Spring '09 class at There is Malay Silat I an II. Sign up for Silat II if you are a returning student. If it gets full, then sign up for Silat I. We know who you are and will separate you with the group don't worry :)

Registration Code for Malay Silat I- 32585
Registration Code for Malay Silat II- 36598 (they spelled Malay wrong. They've known about it for a month now.)

Sign up soon. If we don't get enough people- Class will be cancelled.